
ISM Shipping Solutions through Pax Mare International are agents for Electronic Record Logbooks “ERB” on board Panamanian flagged ships.

The Panamanian flag state administration has authorised the use of ERB onboard all Panamanian flag vessels. The acceptance of the ERB by the largest shipping flag state in the world is an important milestone. The e-books were first approved by the Panamanian Administration in 2004.

The Electronic record book application works within a networked computer system developed with software tools to make it easier for ships officers used to use ERB on board.

User friendliness is always a priority in order to appeal to users. Priority has further been given to the user security aspects in order to maintain and present data of the identity of officers making log entries in ERB.

ERB is built not only to provide the official log books required by the Panama Maritime Authority but also Deck and Engine log books as well as Ballast Water Management log books. It is envisioned that ERB will be expanded to also include approval by other Flag state administrations for companies having ships with different flags can use ERB on all or most of their ships

The application ERB is used on board to log information and save log entries, allows the viewing or print log book extracts on board & in the office, allows also importing data. There are also possibilities for the ships and at the company office to automatically export and import logbook records as well as making data backups

The ERB currently consists of the following Panamanian logbooks:

§ Deck Logbook – Records navigational events related to the voyage and operations onboard
§ Engine Logbook – Records engine events related to the engine and machinery operation
§ Oil Record Book Part I – Records events related to oil and dirty water as required by IMO’s MARPOL convention
§ Ballast Water Management

Panama Licence for the use of ERB onboard
Panama requires vessels using ERB on board to obtain an E-Licence. Users will benefit from the convenience of obtaining a single annual E-License rather than buying each of the traditional printed log books used on board during the year and saving in couriers and benefit in convenience.

For further information, or to purchase, Please contact us